
広島で考えたこと (Hiroshima)



Hello! This is the first post in June. 



I have finished part time job at the restaurant by early in June. Then I traveled Tokyo, Kanagawa, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, Kumamoto and Kagoshima by myself.



Today, I will write about " Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park".











Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

6th August, 1945, the atomic bomb was dropped to Hiroshima. It was the first atomic bomb in human history. It is said that about 14 thousand people dead. ( The population was Hiroshima at that time was about 35 thousand.) The purpose of the park is to memorialize the victims, establishe the memory of nuclear horrors and advocate world peace.


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park







I visited in the evening but there were still many people. It seemed that more foreigners than Japanese people. I was glad because there were many people including not only Japanese but also foreigners.



A-bomb Dome







Aioi bride 

There are the T-shaped bridge near A-bomb Dome. It is said that this bridge was the target of  atomic bombing.




Children's Peace Monument 




Memorial monument for atomic bomb victims 

















When I walked in the park and saw memorial monuments and A-bomb Dome, I felt something uneasy.

In the museum, we can see the name and photo  whom died by atomic bomb. Bereaved families offered it to the museum. There were so many photos. Photos included chilren, young man and women, elderly people... Each person loved someone, had a dream, lived their life just like us...Atomic bomb took everything in a moment. I couldn't believe this tragedy. It was too cruel.

When I saw photos, sometimes I couldn't bear. I felt painful. 

It maybe too simple expression but, I thought it was really good experience for me to visit here.

I want to study about the history in Hiroshima and atomic bomb more.


I think we, Japanese people, can appeal the importance of "peace" to the world, and we should do that more.



Thank you for reading!



Hello, I'm Sayuri.



Today I'd like to tell you my favorite books.




Do you often read the book?

I didn't read many books recently, but it is important for me to read. Some books gave me a good effect.



I'll show you five books.


1. 世界でいちばん非常識な幸福論










This is a book about Fiji written by Yuma Nagasaki. 

First of all, do you know where Fiji is? Fiji is an island country in Oceania.

I read it and I thought I wanted to live there...

He wrote some interesting customs in Fiji. This book gave me a chance to think deeply about "what the happiness is." 

I visited Fiji on February 2017. But it was only 3 days so I didn't think I could experience Fijian culture well. I want to visit there again someday soon.



2. 自由であり続けるために20代で捨てるべき50のこと





This is a book about how should we, young people live freely. This book said that it's important to think, select and leave. I thought I wanted to live more simple, I wanted to live doing what I really wanted. This book taught me many important things.


3. アルケミスト






The Archemist

I think not a few people know this book. This book is a story about sheepshead boy. I could learn many important things to live. I read it many times, but each time I could learn and feel different things.



4. 折れない心をつくる たった一つの習慣








 This is a book about how should we do to have strong mentality. This book gave me many charms to be strong. 3 or 4years ago, I read it for the first time. Now I think I can be stronger than me of at that time. Of course it's not only the book's effect, but it was a one of the big key for me.


5. 世界から貧しさをなくす30の方法







This is a book about many serious problems such as poverty, hunger, conflict, environmental problems and so on. We can learn such a problem easily. 

And we can learn how to connect the daily life with the world. 






There were my favorite books!



Thank you for reading!!




Hello, I 'm Sayuri!



I'm so excited to visit Africa in a month. I can't wait!




When I talked that I'll  visit Kenya, many people often asked me why I chose Kenya. So today I'd like to talk about it and some questions I was often asked. 








"Why did  you choose Kenya?"

Actually I don't have a big reason...

But, my seniors who are same university as me had stayed Uganda for six months. They talked and thought a lot about their experiences in Uganda to me. I was impressed by them and I thought "I want to stay Africa like them!" 

Also I haven't been to Africa, so maybe it's kind of longing.



I searched countries which English is available. And I searched volunteer program on the internet. ( I want to choose country except for Uganda because my seniors had already been there...) Finally I choose Kenya.





Also I want to stay foreign countries a little bit longer, not like 5 days or 1 week.  

I'll stay Kenya for three months.I expect to know various aspects not only positive but also negative.

I haven't stayed foreign countries for a long time. 10 days was longest. So I think it'll be a good chance for me to attempt how I feel and I can enjoy abroad life or not.




" What will you do in Kenya?"

Many people often asked me it too.



Child Development Center という施設で、子供の教育の手伝いなどをします。


I'll stay Kenya as a NGOs' volunteer. I'll go to the place names Child Development Center and I'll support education and so on. 

But in fact, I didn't know the details yet...





"What do you do now?"

It's a last question.

I'll explain in general terms from last October to now.




In October, I started taking the gap year.

I backed parents house in Sapporo and started the part time job at call center. But I didn't like this job and I thought it's not good for my mental health so I quit it for a month.



In November to mid-January, I stayed Noboribetsu. I worked at a hotel as a part time job there. The hotel placed in the mountain. It was a first time for me to live without convenience store...




Late in January to the begging of March, as I talked before, I joined 'ship for world youth leaders' program.(SWY) 

( I didn't do nothing for two weeks after the program ended because the ship was really amazing. I can't explain it well in English but we call it 'SWY sick'... )



Late in March to now, I've worked at the restaurant in hotel at Sapporo as a part time job . It's a buffet restaurant. I often work for breakfast. So recently I'm early to bed and early to rise like wake up at four thirty and go to bed before ten pm. 





Such like this, I have spent my gap year. I have another three months. Now I think gap year was a really good choice.

 I want to talk about it but it'll be a little bit long, so I'll talk about it next time!



Thank you so much for reading my article:)





The NGO I'll go to Kenya as a volunteer of it. 



Cambodia 🇰🇭



Hello, I'm Sayuri. February in 2015, I have stayed Cambodia for a week. I'd like to talk about it today. 



I joined study tour hosted by NGO. It was a first time for me to visit the country, what is called "developing countries".



There are three things impressing me.



1. エネルギーが凄い


1. People's energy 

During the stay in Siem Reap, I walked the town and I saw people. I felt enormous energy from this country. I wonder if it was because Cambodia was the developing country. Maybe I'll overstate a little but I felt people's positive energy such as "Let's make the better country!".


2. 孤児院


子供達とお別れの時間になり、さよならをしていた時、ショッキングな出来事がありました。私に人一倍懐いていた9歳くらいの女の子が、「money 」と口にしたのです。お金が欲しいんだ、と分かりました。今まで懐いてくれて遊んでいたのは、こうして最後にお金を要求するためだったのか、と思ってしまいました。すると、すごくショックで、悲しい気持ちになり、結局聞こえなかった振りをして、そのままお別れをしました。




2. Orphanage

One day, we went the orphanage. There were some buildings where children play, study and sleep. Actually it wasn't good condition and I thought stuff and spaces were not enough. There were about fifty children there. Most of them wore clothes which wasn't clean and some of them didn't wear shoes. We couldn't understand what we said each other because of the language barrier. But we enjoyed spending time together. Children's smile were cute and brilliant. I thought it was same no matter where the country was. 

When I had to say goodbye to children, I felt sadness and shock. Because the girl, who took to me very well, said " money " to me. I noticed that she wanted money. I though " What was the fun time with her? Was it for money?". I was very shocked and I didn't give her money. 

But I couldn't forget this experience after leaving the orphanage. I thought " Should I give her money?"and I hated me "How small heart I had"...

After back to Japan, I still couldn't forget and  thought about it. I talked about it with many people. Recently one of my friends said " Children were not bad. Did they just imitate adults?", another friend said " They just enjoyed a time with you, not for money. And they remind money so they said money to you, I think." I haven't think like that but I understood it. 

Still I don't know what I should did at that time. Or maybe there're no right answer. I asked many people to "What will you do if you were in the situation like me?" Answers were various. I wonder if the next time I'll be in the situation like these, what will I do...


3. 本当の「豊かさ」

シェムリアップでは色々な人を見ました。路上で物乞いをしている人や、服を着ていない子供達。その一方、自然がたくさん広がっていて、牛や犬、鶏などがあちこちにいて、ハンモックでお昼寝をしている人がいて、のんびりと暮らしている人達も見ました。「ガイドになりたい。」と夢を語る女の子や、「いつか日本に行きたい。」と言うガイドさん。物や設備、制度など足りないものがあるのは確かだと思いますが、日本にはない良いところもたくさんあると思いました。カンボジアの人々がより幸せに暮らせるようになってほしいと思いますが、建物をたくさん建てたり、莫大な資金援助をしたり…そういうことだけでは、人々は幸せにならないのではと思います。日本には物が溢れていて、多くの人が最低限の暮らしは出来る社会になっているはずなのに、自殺をする人が多く、働きすぎて過労死する人も少なくありません。「物質的な豊かさ」=「精神的な豊かさ」ではないと思います。本当の豊かさとは、幸せとは何でしょう。 私は、”人との繋がり”を強く感じられたり、”自分が自分らしく生きていける”、そんな環境が”幸せ”の要素の一つかなと思います。

3. Real happiness 

I saw many people in Siem Reap. I saw people begging money on the road and children who didn't wear clothes. On the other hand, we could see wonderful nature, there were caw, dogs and birds here and there. There were people who live the slow life like they slept on the hammok. I met the girl who said her dream was be a guide. I met the guide who said his dream was visiting Japan someday. Actually there were not enough facilities, building, stuff and so on in Cambodia. But at the same time, there were something good which Japanese people didn't have or lost.  Definitely I think it's important to support building, stuff and money. But I think it isn't enough for people's happiness. In Japan, maybe  many people don't have trouble with life because there are enough stuff. But the suicide rate is very high and some people died because of overwork in Japan. So I think it's not equal "physical wealth " and " mental wealth". What do you think real wealth and happiness? I think one of these essential elements are connections with people and the place where we can live as we are. 







Finally, I want to say, maybe the situation in Cambodia has changed because over two years passed since I visited there. 

I stayed only a week, but I could think and feel so much. I really appreciate it to Cambodia.




Thank you for reading! I'm so happy if you enjoyed it. 

Aw-koon! ( means "thank you" in Khmer language)



NGO's study tuor I joined 










 Hello, I'm Sayuri.





Today, I'd like to talk about ship trip. 

I joined "ship for world youth leaders" (SWY). If you are interested in details about this program, please check the website below . →http://www8.cao.go.jp/youth/kouryu/bosyu.html

It's difficult to summarize this program in a few words but... I'll say " Ship trip with 240 youth including 11 countries for a month ".



You can know the details of it in the internet so today I want to talk about what I felt and what I thought.



Two months has passed since I backed Japan. I'd like to tell you 8 things what I felt and thought.




1. Everyone has own color 

India, Ukraine, Egypt, Kenya, Brazil, Canada, Costa Rica, Fiji, New Zealand, Tonga and Japan. I could see various countries, cultures, religions, thinking of values and etc...Everyone has a own identity. Everyone are different. I thought it's really simple, and matter of course, but it's really wonderful and beautiful. If you cannot do something, you can ask someone who can do that. Such like this, we can cooperate with each other. So, I felt that "I am only one. No one can replace me and I cannot replace anybody."




2. The importance of friends 

Sometimes I was struggling with something, I felt sadness and depression. But all that time, someone supported me. I couldn't overcome these problems and depression without my friends. If I said " I have a trouble...", someone helped and supported me. Even if I couldn't asked help to someone, someone noticed my trouble and talked to me " Are you okay?" I was always supported by my friends. I little regret that I couldn't support my friends a lot. I'm so much happy because of my awesome and kind friends.





3. The time of alone 

I love spending time with my friends and it's important things for me. But at the same time, it's also important for me to spend time by alone. I need alone time, it's mean, if I spend time with someone all the time, I feel something bad, tight and uncomfortable...So sometimes I went deck and just saw beautiful sea, heard the sound of wave, sometimes though something, and sometimes nothing thought. 





4. Empowerment

As I said,  I couldn't support many people. But at least I could give positive effects to some friends. I have some challenging experiences, such as short speech, accompanied on the piano and more simple ones was that just saying my opinion in a small group. In such a situation, one of my friends said that she felt positive energy from me, and another friend said that she wanted to challenge something like me. It was so happy that I gave positive effects on some friends. And of course, I was impressed, empowered and encouraged by many friends.





5. Stereotypes 

At the first time I got on the ship, I usually asked "Where are you from?" to people who met the first time. And I tried to force someone into stereotypes unconsciously. It was strange. Sometimes I asked religion and countries. I think countries and regions are of course very important but I felt somehow strange to ask these things every time. So I stopped asking about it to people who met the first time. I think it's more important to know what he/she like,  what he/she think important and how he/she live. 




6. Atmosphere we can challenge 

On the ship, we can change various things. No one blame, be angry or look down on me even if I make a mistake. When I tried to challenge something, many friends helped and supported me with warm heart. So I could challenge many things without fear of failure. I wish we could make such an wounderful atmosphere the out of ship too.






7. On the ship 

I loved just spending time on the ship so much.  Although sea-sick was really horrible, I want to travel by the ship someday again. We enjoyed seeing, hearing and feeling wonderful nature such as sea, wave, air, sunrise, sunset, star, dolphin, whale, seagulls...I saw many unforgettable and wonderful view. There were no wifi. So if we wanted to communicate with someone, we had to find friends or write a letter. It seemed a little bit inconvenient, and totaly different from my ordinary life. But I didn't felt stress. Even more, it was comfortable and happy. Everyday I lived for 'now', not 'past' or 'future'. I felt strongly that 'I'm living'. 



8. Meeting with new people

The most interesting and memorable memories for me was meeting new people. It was same as all the time I traveled. The girl I talked with at beach and the lady I talked with in the load in Vanuatu, students I met in school in New Zealand, family who invited me to their house and people met in the souvenir store in Fiji, old lady who spoke to me in the beach and young men who was a taxi driver in Solomon Islands...and, many wonderful, kind, awesome, crazy and lovely friends I traveled with as a SWYer. 




Thank you for reading my article! If you couldn't understand what I said, I'm sorry. Please leave comments and ask me. 




こんにちは、山本紗佑里(Sayuri Yamamoto)です!

Hello, I'm Sayuri Yamamoto.






First of all, please let me introduce myself shortly.

I live in Hokkaido where the north part of Japan. I'm a university student and majors International Cooperation.

I love travel so much, both domestic and oversease.

My favorite place is warm place, beach and places full of nature.





I've taken a gap year since last September. I've worked as a part time job to save money and sometimes travelled. Recently, I travelled about a month by ship by 240 people including 11countries.




From next June, I'll stay Kenya for three months.

So I'd like to write the articles about Kenya.



But still I have time to write something else. So before I'll vist Kenya, I'd like to write about travel by ship and expariences in oversease.




I want to  write about many experiences, what I saw and how I felt mainly about Kenya and ship travel. My English level is not so high,but I'll do my best.

I hope you can enjoy reading my articles. Thank you!